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Semi-heuristic phase compensation algorithm

The proposed Semi-heuristic phase compensation (SHPC) method is an alternative approach for reconstructing phase maps with reduced processing time compare with the brute-force algorithms while avoiding the local-minimum problem of the heuristic proposals. This algorithm is based on nested searches in which the grid size in every iteration is systematically reduced to optimize the compensation time. This algorithm also have a dynamic version called D-SHPC for compensating holographic videos of dynamic samples. Both algorithms are accurate in phase reconstructions and fast enough to compensate full FOV (1280x960 pixels) holograms at rates of 5 FPS.

In the next image, we present the flowchart of the SHPC

SHPC Flowchart


In the following section, you can see some examples of holographic videos and static holograms compensated with thw D-SHPC algorithm. The results reported in the following sections were obtained from running the algorithm on a computer supported by an Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1270 v5 @ 3.60 GHz with 64 GB of RAM.

Static samples

SHPC static results

Dynamic samples

Smearing Red Blood Cells

Spatially dense Smearing Red Blood Cells

Human sperm



Click here for download the SHPC code for MATLAB.


Click here for download the D-SHPC code for MATLAB.


This work has been funded in part by


If using this information for publication, please kindly cite the following paper:

Obando-Vásquez, S., Doblas, A., & Trujillo, C. (2023). Semi-heuristic phase compensation in digital holographic microscopy for stable and accurate quantitative phase imaging of moving objects. Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Under review)

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Sofia Obando-Vasquez  
Ana Doblas AnaGoogle
Carlos Trujillo CarlosGoogle

This Research is a collaboration between Doblas’ and Trujillos’ research lab.